Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sister Training Leaders, Quorum of the 12 and Long Days

So the big news for this week is that my companion and I were made the sister training leaders for our zone! This basically means we get back to our apartments 15 minutes later than everyone else... Haha, not really! It's fun! But so far we've just gone to training meetings. I also had to talk in Sacrament meeting on Sunday! Hermana Fife told me she had a "feeling" I was going to give a talk. I thought no way! Because an entire district in our branch was leaving. So of course, I didn't really prepare a talk! Then I hear, "We'd like to hear from Hermana Hoffman and Elder Nonu..." Oh dear.  We're learning about the gift of tongues really good this week! that and how preparation is a good thing!

We had a powerhouse of authorities here at the MTC this week! We counted 6 apostles at our devotional, Bednar, Oaks, Nelson, Christofferson, Anderson, and Ballard! We heard from Elder Christofferson about the Worth of Souls and man was that good!!! I hope this keeps up, because we love hearing from these amazing men! here's to hoping for President Monson next week!

What else, what else?? The days here are forever long, but they're all full of the same thing, so I feel like we've done absolutely nothing.  Hermana Fife (another Hermana in our district) says every night about how much she has to write in her journal, and I look at the two lines in mine that say "Good day. Pretty much the same as yesterday. Night." and just nod my head... Yup. So much to write! Our basic schedule looks like this: Wake up at 6:30, get out of bed 6:45, breakfast at 7:15, class at 7:50, teach lessons at 10:30, lunch at 11:35, gym for an hour, class again at 1:45, dinner at 5 class for 3 more hours then plan for 30 minutes for the next day (which is exactly the same, so I don't know why we plan! Haha!)  Once you've written that in your journal, you're good to go!

Today I saw Evie Friedbaum! I've missed that girl so stinking much! We were up at main campus for lunch after we went to the temple and I was looking around for her like crazy! But she never came. So we went to the mailroom to chat and I had them look her up for me, and she had just gone to lunch as we had left.  Luckily we caught her later, and did hugs, and smiles and all that fun stuff. 

I also met my mission president this week! President and Sister Clayton are probably the nicest, sweetest cutest couple I've ever met.  Besides my parents of course! :) They showed us pictures of their family, gave us licorice and were all around amazing.  It's probably one of the greatest blessings I've gotten here, being able to meet my mission president already! 

My companion and I are ready to get out of here already, even if our Spanish isn't! But that's ok! I can say "Soy una misionera." Y Puchika (Misty, how do you spell that???) So I'm set as long as I'm around Guatemalans!

1: Meeting our Mission President... Terrible quality picture, but oh well!
2: Me and Hermama Lamb at the temple
3: (Some of the) Elders in our zone
4: Sisters in our Zone

Well, I love you all hope you have a fantastic day!

Vaya con Dios!
Hermana Hoffman

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