Saturday, July 5, 2014

Yes, my companion and I are 19 years old and we were super happy when we got bubbles in our package this week.  We didn't care that we got really weird looks as we walked around blowing bubbles and we even took a picture blowing bubbles so that you could see our joy.  It's the small things that count on the mission! That's for sure! That and the massive bag of Swedish fish we got. That was a pretty big blessing! (Thanks Carol, Grandma, Mom and Misty!!!)

Well, this week was a bit crazy. We got to be hosts for the new missionaries yesterday! Which translated, really means we got to stand outside in really hot weather, waiting for the missionaries to come down to West Campus from the main MTC and then we got to carry their luggage to their apartments for them. Haha, no it was actually really cool, because I got to remember how crazy that day was for me. It's insane that that was a month ago! I only have 17 months left of my mission to get to work! A year and a half seems like nothing now!!!

We got new elders in our zone this week too! It was a district of 8 elders, which means right now we have 6 sisters and 22 elders in our zone. 2 of the sisters and 4 of the elders leave for Mexico on Monday, which is the worst! They're our favorites!

We got a really cool lesson from our teacher this week about being intentional vs. incidental learners. Basically he asked us if we've been acted upon or if we're acting of our own free will. It's just something really cool to think about, what have you done lately to act and not be acted upon? What can you do today?

We get to watch the stadium of fire fireworks tomorrow, which my companion and I are stoked for!!!! We're also getting up a little early so we can see the hot air balloons too! We're keeping some of the Provo fourth of July traditions alive! But you guys at home have to be sure to eat a hot dog for us. We're wearing our USA shirts today cause we actually have to look like missionaries tomorrow... So patriotic P-Day? Sounds good to me!

What else? I feel like the weeks are just the same over and over here, so I can't remember anything else that happened... During breaks we see how many Swedish fish we can catch in our mouths. Is that something I should share? I don't know...

Oh! Our investigators (who are actually our teachers...) are progressing finally! It's so weird to me that I love them like they're real investigators, even though they're nowhere near that. But it's amazing to see the progress and how excited you get when you finally get them to realize how important the scriptures are, why they need baptism, or why you've got that glow in you. I don't know how to explain it, but let's just say I'm stoked for the work in Canada. I know the Lord's sending me there for a reason, and He knows I'm going to find it.

We're just keeping on doing the Lord's work, and though we're in such a little bubble here at the MTC, there's such an amazing spirit here. I love this work and I love having this little black name tag 24/7. Thank you all for all of your support, I love you THIIIIIIIS much and I'm praying for you all!

1. USA shirts!!! Go America!!
2. Our bubbles!

Hasta Luego!
Hermana Hoffman

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