Monday, July 28, 2014

Driving with the Canucks

Well, we made it through week two in Canada! I still can't believe it!! But that's probably only because Canada is basically the US with a few weird differences, like the green turning arrow when you drive blinks, and everyone says "eh" and they pronounce z as "zed" Well folks, that's your Canadian culture class for the week, hope you learned something productive!

Anyways, this week started out pretty well! We got a lesson this week! Funny how if I was in South America, that would be the worst week ever, but hey! We got one whole lesson! It's progress! I'm firmly convinced though that we still have plenty of time this transfer to change someone's life. It's going to happen!

Last night we had a really cool experience. We were out trying to contact people on the street, while it was pouring, so we tried catching people at bus stops or trying to take shelter on the side of the road. We met a few really nice people, and we had about 3 minutes left that night. We had yet to talk to a single Spanish person all day (besides the people in our small branch) and we were dying for one Spanish contact. So we decide to cross the street and try with a few more people. We had a really creepy contact with two sketchy guys (don't worry, mom, I'm fine!) and decided well, better head back, when 3, yes 3! Spanish people go walking by. We stop them and start to walk with them, and this one guy was just so happy that he found someone who spoke Spanish that he started telling me about how his first language was German, and the struggles of learning English. We fit in a bit about the gospel here and there with him, and left a card and ran home. God really does send tender mercies when he knows you've given your all!!!

Oh! We also did exchanges this week with the sister training leaders and I got to go to Brantford with Sister Fisher who's from Fiji. She is amazing. No ifs ands or buts about it. I learned so much in less than 24 hours from her! We had one really cool experience with one of their investigators who's had some really big drug problems, and he said our message motivated him to go to drug detox! So that's cool! 

Oh! And sister Fisher doesn't drive, so I've officially driven in Canada now! It's not too different. We have this thing called a Tiwi though, which I hate. It's this little box that we have in our car, and it will yell at you if you go too fast. So basically, it forces you to drive like a little granny down the road with a huge line of impatient Canadians following you. So much fun!

Well, love you all! Never forget the work we're all called to do! I challenge you to talk to the missionaries this week. Give them a referral, invite them over for dinner, even just say hello! Members are key to missionary work, so help out! If you have any cool experiences, tell me about it! OH!! Everyone go look up the talk "The Missionary Next Door" I don't remember who it's by, but it's amazing and it gives simple suggestions for doing your own missionary work! 

1. Sunset from the street of our apartment!
2. I found Hoffman Street!
3. Hermana McKinlay and I

Love you!

Hermana Hoffman

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Canada, Eh?

Well, I'm finally here in the Great White North. Is that what they call it? I have no clue.
I got here a week ago today, and that's still crazy to me! Especially since everyone here still speaks English! That's making it harder to learn Spanish for sure, but the branch members tell me I'll be picking it up in no time. I'm countin on that because I really can't understand a word anyone says. Especially when they get really excited and start talking really fast over each other. But despite that, this is the most loving and fun branch I have ever seen. Sadly, there's only about 30 members in the branch and they're constantly on the verge of being joined with the English ward. They've gone back and forth 3 times in the last 5 years I think, but that's what we're here for!
 Tuesday when we came out here, we ended up just knocking doors. We've done that a lot actually. Apparently Kitchener (the area I'm in) is pretty slow. I just feel like it has to have untapped potential somewhere right??? We met a few English people who seem really cool, but overall, this past week we haven't found any new Spanish investigators. So does anyone have advice on how to find Spanish people in an English area?????
I can never remember what went on any earlier than 3 days ago, so we'll start around there. One nice thing about this branch is that they LOVE to feed the missionaries. Even thought they're so small, we have a dinner appointment most nights. And usually it's with the same people over and over because EVERYONE is realated in this branch, so we'll have dinner with the same people a lot when they invite their families. We get the best food though! Hamburgers, Ribs, Pizza! It's heaven!! Especially since meat here is SO expensive! It's like $5/lb! I need Carol and Grandma to come do my shopping for me!
Saturday, we got to go do a cool service activity. Our branch brought and prepared all the food for a homeless shelter. They made beans and rice (I can't remember what it's called but it's when you make them together and then fry it and it's something about them being married. It starts with a C.. Anyone know?) I didn't understand most of it besides, "Hermana Hoffman! Lechuga!" so I got to cut up lettuce for most of the time. That and "Tomate!" See look, I already know all the Spanish I need to!
Yesterday we had church and you know your branch is small when you play the piano, lead the music and get to bear your testimony all on the same day! Oh! And Presidente Palacios has this thing where all the missionaries have to have super straight backs. He'd catch my eye during sacrament meeting a lot and glare at me to make me sit up straight. Haha, he's hilarious! And their family adopted the most adorable two Eskimo girls! I love them!!!
We also had to teach the Gospel Principles class yesterday because Hermana Juarez was sick. In other words, we started the conversation and the whole 4 members in the class just told stories about when they had or hadn't been honest before. I couldn't really understand them so Hermana McKinlay and I just let em go at it. It was pretty great! I love how much Spanish people love to talk!!!
My companion is super nice! She's been here in Kitchener for 4 transfers, this is her third in a row, so she knows the area pretty well, which is good and bad. We have a lot of options crossed out because she either doesn't want to go there, or says that we've bothered them enough already. I don't think missionaries can bother people enough...
What else, what else? I had my first Tim Horton's donut this week! It was delicious! But it was still just a donut... Haha! I love our mission president, President Clayton! I'm excited to be out here and can't wait to get the work rolling even faster!
I love you all and thanks for all your support!!!!
Nos Vemos!
Hermana Hoffman

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Free Lunch, Meeting the Fam, and Sad Goodbyes

This week was crazy!!!!! It started  out with the fourth of July last week which was so much fun, but so weird! I'm used to BBQ's, parades and fireworks, but instead we got classes, church movies and at least we got to watch the fireworks from the stadium!

Sunday, we had to say goodbye to the District that left right before us. We're leaving (except for my companion who stays another week for visitors center training) on MONDAY!!! We leave for the airport at 3:30 in the morning! We'll have a short layover in Detroit and then on to Toronto!!! I'm so excited/nervous/pumped/going insane for this moment! It's going to be fantastic though, and I can't wait!

This week we also already said goodbye to one of our teachers, Hermano Toone. He's the most amazing teacher I think I've ever had. We had to say goodbye to the investigator he played too, and I just have to say we were all in tears. Hermano Toone only made it worse when he said that it's going to be 100 times harder in the field. And then we all cried more. So that's fun, right? In all seriousness though, we learned how to love and how to serve from Hermano Toone, and I'm grateful we got to have him. He told us that since he's the boss, he hardly ever teaches classes, maybe once a year, and we got to be that class. It's not a coincidence that we're all where we're at! God put you where you are for a reason!!!!

What else happened... I don't know! Oh! We got to be hosts again yesterday for the new missionaries. It was SO HOT! So of course we stopped by the mailroom for a break. Gotta love having friends in the mailroom.

Today was a crazy day too. We started out as normal, laundry, breakfast get ready, but then there was a knock on the door and I opened it to one of the security guards who says, "is Hermana Lamb here?" Long story short, we had to go talk to President Nally, the MTC president and he told us Hermana Lamb got to talk to her mom for some stuff. I was only slightly jealous.

We ate lunch at Burger Supreme today, and it was crazy! Other missionaries have told us that people have bought their food, but we've never seen it, but some random guy came up to us today and asked if he could buy for us, and it was so nice! I'd feel worse about it, but I know the Lord is blessing him for it! But I know the Lord blesses his servants for sure, because today was the day I forgot to bring my wallet, so it was definitely a blessing! I love being a missionary!

Well, I love you all! The next time I talk to you guys, I'll be in the great ol Canada!!! Keep serving God, and become more worthy to be his servant! Galations 1:10!!!

1: Fourth of July Balloons!
2: The Hermanas in my District and our teacher, Hermana Gibson
3: Whiteboard doodles
4: My district and Hermano Toone

Hermana Hoffman

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Yes, my companion and I are 19 years old and we were super happy when we got bubbles in our package this week.  We didn't care that we got really weird looks as we walked around blowing bubbles and we even took a picture blowing bubbles so that you could see our joy.  It's the small things that count on the mission! That's for sure! That and the massive bag of Swedish fish we got. That was a pretty big blessing! (Thanks Carol, Grandma, Mom and Misty!!!)

Well, this week was a bit crazy. We got to be hosts for the new missionaries yesterday! Which translated, really means we got to stand outside in really hot weather, waiting for the missionaries to come down to West Campus from the main MTC and then we got to carry their luggage to their apartments for them. Haha, no it was actually really cool, because I got to remember how crazy that day was for me. It's insane that that was a month ago! I only have 17 months left of my mission to get to work! A year and a half seems like nothing now!!!

We got new elders in our zone this week too! It was a district of 8 elders, which means right now we have 6 sisters and 22 elders in our zone. 2 of the sisters and 4 of the elders leave for Mexico on Monday, which is the worst! They're our favorites!

We got a really cool lesson from our teacher this week about being intentional vs. incidental learners. Basically he asked us if we've been acted upon or if we're acting of our own free will. It's just something really cool to think about, what have you done lately to act and not be acted upon? What can you do today?

We get to watch the stadium of fire fireworks tomorrow, which my companion and I are stoked for!!!! We're also getting up a little early so we can see the hot air balloons too! We're keeping some of the Provo fourth of July traditions alive! But you guys at home have to be sure to eat a hot dog for us. We're wearing our USA shirts today cause we actually have to look like missionaries tomorrow... So patriotic P-Day? Sounds good to me!

What else? I feel like the weeks are just the same over and over here, so I can't remember anything else that happened... During breaks we see how many Swedish fish we can catch in our mouths. Is that something I should share? I don't know...

Oh! Our investigators (who are actually our teachers...) are progressing finally! It's so weird to me that I love them like they're real investigators, even though they're nowhere near that. But it's amazing to see the progress and how excited you get when you finally get them to realize how important the scriptures are, why they need baptism, or why you've got that glow in you. I don't know how to explain it, but let's just say I'm stoked for the work in Canada. I know the Lord's sending me there for a reason, and He knows I'm going to find it.

We're just keeping on doing the Lord's work, and though we're in such a little bubble here at the MTC, there's such an amazing spirit here. I love this work and I love having this little black name tag 24/7. Thank you all for all of your support, I love you THIIIIIIIS much and I'm praying for you all!

1. USA shirts!!! Go America!!
2. Our bubbles!

Hasta Luego!
Hermana Hoffman