Monday, July 28, 2014

Driving with the Canucks

Well, we made it through week two in Canada! I still can't believe it!! But that's probably only because Canada is basically the US with a few weird differences, like the green turning arrow when you drive blinks, and everyone says "eh" and they pronounce z as "zed" Well folks, that's your Canadian culture class for the week, hope you learned something productive!

Anyways, this week started out pretty well! We got a lesson this week! Funny how if I was in South America, that would be the worst week ever, but hey! We got one whole lesson! It's progress! I'm firmly convinced though that we still have plenty of time this transfer to change someone's life. It's going to happen!

Last night we had a really cool experience. We were out trying to contact people on the street, while it was pouring, so we tried catching people at bus stops or trying to take shelter on the side of the road. We met a few really nice people, and we had about 3 minutes left that night. We had yet to talk to a single Spanish person all day (besides the people in our small branch) and we were dying for one Spanish contact. So we decide to cross the street and try with a few more people. We had a really creepy contact with two sketchy guys (don't worry, mom, I'm fine!) and decided well, better head back, when 3, yes 3! Spanish people go walking by. We stop them and start to walk with them, and this one guy was just so happy that he found someone who spoke Spanish that he started telling me about how his first language was German, and the struggles of learning English. We fit in a bit about the gospel here and there with him, and left a card and ran home. God really does send tender mercies when he knows you've given your all!!!

Oh! We also did exchanges this week with the sister training leaders and I got to go to Brantford with Sister Fisher who's from Fiji. She is amazing. No ifs ands or buts about it. I learned so much in less than 24 hours from her! We had one really cool experience with one of their investigators who's had some really big drug problems, and he said our message motivated him to go to drug detox! So that's cool! 

Oh! And sister Fisher doesn't drive, so I've officially driven in Canada now! It's not too different. We have this thing called a Tiwi though, which I hate. It's this little box that we have in our car, and it will yell at you if you go too fast. So basically, it forces you to drive like a little granny down the road with a huge line of impatient Canadians following you. So much fun!

Well, love you all! Never forget the work we're all called to do! I challenge you to talk to the missionaries this week. Give them a referral, invite them over for dinner, even just say hello! Members are key to missionary work, so help out! If you have any cool experiences, tell me about it! OH!! Everyone go look up the talk "The Missionary Next Door" I don't remember who it's by, but it's amazing and it gives simple suggestions for doing your own missionary work! 

1. Sunset from the street of our apartment!
2. I found Hoffman Street!
3. Hermana McKinlay and I

Love you!

Hermana Hoffman

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